Healthcare-associated infections constitute a threat to patient safety and an economic burden on health systems worldwide. The most effective way to prevent healthcare-associated infections is through proper hand hygiene practice, but studies show that compliance is low. In 2009, the World Health Organization released hand hygiene guidelines and tools to address the issue.
The aim of the study was to measure the compliance to the WHO Guidelines on Hand Hygiene in Health Care among nursing staff in a private hospital in the Philippines using the evaluation framework of the World Health Organization.
The method used to assess compliance was structured direct observations using the World Health Organization’s observation form. Data was collected in 15 days, during full shifts, and analyzed quantitatively based on overall compliance, according to indication, ward, week day/weekend and shift.
A total of 1920 opportunities were recorded, of which 336 were hand rub performances, 168 hand wash and 1416 missed opportunities, giving an overall compliance of 26.25 percent. The ward with the highest compliance rate was the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (45.40 percent) and the lowest was Nursing Station 1 (22.26 percent).
The overall compliance rate of 26.25 percent is lower compared to most published studies and healthcare workers were more compliant to indications that protect themselves than to indications that protect patients. The results can be useful in improving quality of care and patient safety.
2014. , p. 31