Up to 15 percent of all diagnosed pregnancies end in miscarriage. The loss can cause deep sorrow with complex emotional reactions as a result. Research shows that women often feel alone with their experiences of miscarriage and experience a wide range of emotions. The aim of this study was to describe the mourning woman’s experiences of early miscarriage. Six women who repeatedly had undergone miscarriage at a desired pregnancy were interviewed. The interviews were semi structured and analyzed with qualitative content analysis. The findings show that the miscarriages significantly affected the women’s life. Several psychological needs were identified, of which the most important were the need to feel unconditionally understood and having people at their side who attentively listen, provide security and respect their loss. These needs were rarely met in a satisfactory manner in health care. Regarding the women’s strong emotional reactions, it is desirable to have a routinely scheduled follow-up in which the women’s entire experience of the miscarriage is taken into consideration.