PURPOSE: To explore the experience and management of eating situations among persons affected by stroke, 6 months after stroke onset.
METHOD: A qualitative constant comparative approach, influenced by principles of grounded theory, was used to analyse the interviews. Thirteen participants were interviewed in the home setting 6 months after the stroke.
RESULTS: Experiences and desire to master eating situations varied, and was related to values and previous habits. Eating difficulties were experienced as disgusting, uncomfortable, strenuous, or unproblematic and not implying shame. Getting help from others could be experienced as embarrassing and undesirable. In particular, eating could be more difficult when eating in company of unfamiliar people. The participants found new ways of mastering eating situations. Some had regained former routines.
CONCLUSIONS: Old values and habits and/or involvement of other people were the basis of mastering eating situations. New ways of mastering were found, some accepted, and got used to the new situation. Some regained former routines. This knowledge could contribute to health care personnel's awareness of each patient's individual values and previous habits during the rehabilitation process. A dialogue is needed with the person suffering from eating difficulties after stroke, to help create the best possible individual conditions for mastering eating situations.