BACKGROUND: An instrumental birth with a ventouse or forceps is a complicated birth, possibly resulting in fear of childbirth which could influence the entire birth experience negatively. Patients who are actively involved in their care have a stronger sense of satisfaction and a sense of participation can contribute to shorter hospital stays.
AIM: To describe the experience of participation for women involved in an instrumental delivery with ventouse or forceps.
METHOD: Qualitative semi-structured interviews with 16 women who gave birth aided by a ventouse or forceps. Their answers were analyzed through qualitative content analysis. In addition the women were asked to evaluate their experience during the delivery. Using a numerical scale (NRS) the birth experience was graded by choosing a number between 0 (worst possible experience) and 10 (best conceivable experience).
FINDINGS: Two themes were extracted from the data: To be part of a team and To feel empowered. Five categories were identified from the women's descriptions of the experience of involvement during the instrumental delivery: to cooperate; to understand; to have contact; to participate, and to not be involved. Those women who rated their experience as low grade, described a lack of involvement in their childbirth compared to those women who rated their experience as high.
CONCLUSION: This study shows how cooperation and empowerment of the woman are two key factors in order for the women to have a positive experience of their instrumental vaginal births. The study also shows that empowerment is created when the woman is actively engaged and participates in the birth process which gives her the feeling of being part of the team, creating an environment based on mutual understanding.